About Emilie

Emilie is a native Californian, married to a native Texan! She and her husband have three grown kids, and two grandchildren. Emilie’s passion for horses led her to TLR, and it was at the request of her friends Kim and Joanna that she join the equine department in February 2019, and Emilie is so glad that she did! Emilie finds the meaningful impact that the Equine Services team has on men who have lost their way and need assistance in finding their way back to real life very rewarding. While her passion for horses brought her to TLR, Emilie now considers working with the crew in the equine department and the clients to be her favorite part of the job. She appreciates the support and camaraderie within the equine department, which makes the job easier and more fulfilling. Through Natural Lifemanship, Emilie continues to learn new things about herself and connect with herself, her horses, and the world around her. She has a deep appreciation and respect for the struggles faced by the men who come to TLR and is deeply honored to be a part of this place and to help in the healing of these men.