Addiction Treatment

How Can I Help My Husband Stop Drinking?

Written By:

Becky Babb

How Can I Help My Husband Stop Drinking?

As a wife, you have probably already discovered you can’t make your husband stop drinking. Addiction is a powerful disease that often transcends emotions like love and passion. When your man is dealing with the cycle of alcoholism, drinking is his mistress. If your question is, “How can I help my husband stop drinking?”, you’ll want to try a subtle approach.

My Husband Wants Help to Stop Drinking – What Can I Do?

The question at hand depends on one crucial factor. If your husband has asked you to help him stop drinking, you know you’ll get some level of cooperation. At that point, you want to start educating yourself about the best alcohol addiction treatment center options. Since drinking may have compromised his ability to make good decisions, he could benefit by you taking the lead. You’ll want to focus on his needs and align them with the best possible treatment solutions. For instance, if you believe he would have difficulty opening up in a co-ed environment, you could suggest a men’s alcohol rehab program.

My Husband Won’t Admit He’s an Alcoholic – How Can I Help Him Stop Drinking?

If you don’t think you’ll get his cooperation, you have a big hill to climb. Just the same, he needs your help. You might consider a professional intervention. An intervention requires staging and cooperation from parties who care about your husband. Without making accusations, you should put most of the focus on everyone explaining to your husband how his addiction affects them. You can discuss the possible outcomes should he decide not to stop drinking. You can even discuss lines in the sand he cannot cross. Whatever you do, keep it constructive and follow through.

Other options include convincing your husband to talk to a recovering addict. Maybe he’ll agree to speak to an addiction treatment specialist. These are outsiders with no ulterior motives who can tell him the truth about addiction. The short answer to how can I help my husband stop drinking is to educate him and stand by him while he gets help.

Getting Help for Your Husband at a Top Alcohol Treatment Center for Men

At The Last Resort Recovery we can offer your husband a variety of custom addiction therapy services. Perhaps, we can help you convince him that love of wife is better than the love of drink. If we can get him into rehab, here are a few of our better treatment options:

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy
  • Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET)
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

At The Last Resort Recovery, we understand you want information on “How can I help my husband stop drinking?” For that reason, we are proud to offer you and your husband many possible options. If you can get him to the door, we can introduce him to recovery. For more information call The Last Resort Recovery immediately.

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