Addiction Treatment

Choosing the Perfect Sponsor

Written By:

Becky Babb

Choosing the Perfect Sponsor

    Everyone in a recovery program shares a common problem, yet they are all very different people. Because of this, finding the perfect sponsor that understands and gets you, as an individual, will save heartache and headache down the road. Relationships change and grow and your sponsor is no different, but be aware that ultimately you are responsible for YOU. This means that you don’t assign or expect your sponsor the responsibility of being your keeper.You need to be able to trust your sponsor to be honest with you. If you’re having a bad time and want to slide, this is the person that has to be strong enough to help you be strong too. If you hit a point in your relationship where your sponsor can’t, or won’t, tell you no or support your decisions, then it may be time to look for a new one. If you feel like your sponsor is holding you back or that you’re growing beyond your sponsor, perhaps it’s time for you to consider being a sponsor yourself. Helping others stay sober is a great way to keep yourself on track too.Maybe you’ve grown through your sobriety and it’s time to give back.If you’re just looking into beginning a 12 Step Program, know that it’s okay to ask questions. Call around or inquire online (sites like The Last Resort are at your disposal) about treatment options. Go sit in on a few Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous meetings—nobody is going to make you participate or talk before you’re ready.At the end of the day, nobody is responsible for your happiness but you. Sponsors, doctors, counselors, friends, family . . . they can all offer a support system, but you make your own peace.

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