Addiction Treatment

One Proud Mom – Son’s Addiction

Written By:

Becky Babb

One Proud Mom - Son's Addiction

    I cannot imagine what our family’s life would be like today if a friend had not insisted that I go to that Al-Anon meeting last fall. I was sick and tired of talking and worrying about addiction, living with an addict, and didn’t want to be around pitiful loved ones of alcoholics. In my usual manner, I was cocooning and not getting out among friends or even many people. I needed to hear from a mom about her once wonderful son who had turned into the devil because of his drug addiction. In this particular Al-Anon meeting that was full of loved ones of alcoholics, I spotted a mom whose son had been in and out of treatment with ours. After the meeting, I approached her and asked how her son was doing. She said that he had been sober for almost two years. Wow!! I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Last time that I had talked with her, she didn’t want anything to do with him and had really given up hope. I asked her to tell me what magical pill they found and she explained that it was The Last Resort. I agreed, understanding that you do feel it’s the last resort but what was that? She kept saying that it was The Last Resort. I just couldn’t understand why she kept saying it. Finally, she looked at me and said that the treatment center was named The Last Resort! I quickly bee lined it home and researched this magic in hopes that it would be our last resort and save our son after multiple attempts of treatment.Unfortunately last fall, he was not ready to agree for another 90 days of treatment, no matter how promising it was.Several relapses later and a near-death incident got my attention more than ever before. Within 24 hours, all players stepped up to the plate including Kathryn, the Admissions Director at TLR; the Interventionist who flew all night from San Diego to New Orleans, the lawyer who got our son on the docket the next day and the Judge who asked our son if he could not pass a drug test, then he had two choices: either jail or The Last Resort. He made the right choice!After two months in treatment, my husband and I drove to TLR to attend the 3 and a half day family program. I will never forgot getting out of the car and being greeted by two men who spoke very highly of our son after helping us with directions and procedures. It felt different this time just walking onto the property but I couldn’t put my finger on it until we began our meetings. Words like respect, integrity, and honesty were used frequently. There was a calmness and peacefulness and though emotional at times, I had never felt this process before. Our son had told us on the phone that he was happy there and at peace and now I understood. I would strongly encourage all family members to take advantage of this unique healing opportunity.My husband and I cannot express in words what our son’s experience at TLR for 90 days and completion of the 12th step program have meant to him and our family in the healing process. Our son is sober, happy, and living in sober living in Austin with a strong network of support. He is working, being of service to others in his recovery program and a proud member of the TLR Alumni group. We are so very proud of him but most importantly, we feel that he is very proud of himself for the first time in a long, long time.Hugs to all of the TLR Staff,Ann Storey (TLR Mom)

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