Addiction Treatment
What Motivates You to Stay Sober?
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Most addicts and alcoholics have very strong reasons for getting sober. We are faced with the countless consequences of our alcoholic behavior: legal consequences, losing our families, rapidly deteriorating health, ultimatums from friends, families, and employers. While there is an endless list of reasons for addicts and alcoholics to get sober, what motivates them to stay sober?Far too often we see addicts and alcoholics attempt to get sober to “fix” some part of their life. Some seek to repair a relationship with a spouse, some seek to regain their health, some to appease a judge. But what happens when these goals are met? When the wife returns? When the courts are off our back? In far too many cases we see an alcoholic let the blessing sobriety has given them be their reasons for returning to the drink or drug. While it is important to have a strong enough reason to put down the bottle on day one of sobriety, it is significantly more important to find strong enough reasons to STAY sober every day after that. All the gifts that sobriety gives us are contingent upon our continued sobriety. We are working to build a life worth staying sober for. So what motivates you to stay sober?