Addiction Treatment

When Can You Leave Your Residential Rehab Program?

Written By:

Becky Babb

When Can You Leave Your Residential Rehab Program?

    Enduring the long term stay for receiving treatment at a residential rehab center can be very trying. At some point you might get impatient and want to get back to your own home, family and life. Most residential rehab programs run from 30 to 90 days. Your counselors will tell you that just as no two addiction problems are alike, no two recovery programs will be alike. Your individualized treatment program, including the length of time that you’ll spend at a rehab center, will be designed to reflect the extent of treatment necessary and to prevent any risk of relapses if you’re released too early.Many factors contribute to your treatment team deciding how long your stay in treatment should last. Severe addictions that took serious, debilitating physical and mental tolls can require longer stays just to guarantee a safe environment while your body returns to normal. Conditions such as personal medical status, family history, co-occurring disorders such as anxiety, depression or trauma, and the environment you are likely to return to outside treatment walls are all taken into consideration. Following your initial assessment, your counselors might recommend some combination of pharmacological treatment, behavioral therapy and individual or group counseling, maybe even some vocational training. Everything is taken in a day by day circumstance as you move further away from your last intoxication. This information will be periodically reviewed and recommendations to reflect their view of how well you are progressing in your rehab will be adjusted. Your commitment to your recovery is also a strong factor in deciding your stay. Showing a desire to leave, to go back to using or drinking, not showing willingness to participate in your own recovery can extend your stay to protect you, though it may seem like it’s meant to punish you. Recovery is not a life-sentence. It is a life-saver. Understand that your time in a residential treatment center is more than just idle time spent sobering up. Each and every activity, therapy session and ounce of education is meant to help you. Substance addictions and alcoholism are insidious and the triggers that lead to relapses can catch even the most determined addict off-guard without the proper knowledge and tools. Those tools are exactly what treatment is seeking to equip you with- the ability to live a life free from drugs and alcohol. If you are interested in receiving more information about our residential treatment programs, please call the staff and counselors at Last Resort at 512-750-6750.

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