Addiction Treatment

28 Day & 30 Day Rehab Programs Not Long Enough

Written By:

Becky Babb

28 Day & 30 Day Rehab Programs Not Long Enough

How can I make sure that I, or a loved one, is protected from drug relapse? Drug addiction relapse is one of the most major problems facing anyone who’s setting a goal of recovery from drug addiction. And a good program of drug rehab treatment is one of the best possible weapons in the fight against drug addiction. But while drug rehab can help you get clean, there are shocking numbers to show that short-term drug rehab programs (usually 28- or 30-day stays) are much less effective than they could be at preventing drug addiction relapse. That’s why a longer-term stay at a drug rehab facility can be such a good idea. Click here to learn more about how rehab can enhance your health.

Relapse Is Far Too Common After Short-Term Rehab

28 Day & 30 Day Rehab Programs Not Long Enough

Short-term drug rehab can absolutely get you clean and get you to stop using drugs. But what happens when you check out of the facility? Far too many drug addiction recoverers are finding themselves lapsing right back into drug addiction even after completing a drug rehab program. In fact, experts say that for people who’ve completed short term stays (usually 30 days or less), the relapse rate is between 40 and 90 percent within the first 30 days after the rehab program. That’s an astonishing number, and that relapse can have deadly consequences. Click here to learn more about drug addiction relapse.

Risk of Relapse Drops by 73% For 90-Day Programs

But there is good news to go along with all this bad news. Statistics show that long-term drug addiction rehab is a much more effective way to prevent drug addiction relapse. In fact, a long-term stay at a drug rehab facility (usually a 90-day program) can decrease the risk of drug addiction relapse by up to 73%. That can mean the difference between addiction and recovery—or even life and death. If you’re considering drug addiction rehab, choose the program you know will protect you long-term.

Long-Term Men’s Rehab for Lifelong Health and Protection from Relapse

Where can I go for effective long-term rehab? Last Resort Recovery is your top choice for high-quality men’s rehab in Texas. Offering long-term stays to protect you from drug addiction relapse, we’re conveniently located close to Houston, Dallas, Austin, and all of Texas. In a long-term men’s rehab program, you can join the support you need to get clean and stay clean the rest of your life.

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