Addiction Treatment

A Faith-Based Approach to Alcoholism

Written By:

Becky Babb

A Faith-Based Approach to Alcoholism

Maintaining sobriety after completing treatment can feel like walking up a down escalator. No matter what kind of encouraging words friends and family offer, temptations to take a break and stop walking will arise.

Hopelessness and Addiction

The hopelessness feels real. To learn to live with addiction, you’ll want to create ways to move through dark times which help you trust in a light at the end of the tunnel. A great deal of recovering addicts report their faith to be a major factor in their success. Faith, religious or spiritual, helps addicts to feel comforted, motivated, and optimistic enough to resist cravings, cope with difficult times and push forward.

Spiritual Programs

Certain aspects of most religious and spiritual ideologies can apply to anyone, religious or not, depending on the context. Alcoholics Anonymous, for example, is a spiritual program, with the first few principles relating to most people generally; but, especially addicts and alcoholics, on a universal level: sometimes we do need outside help of some kind, and in recovery we need to understand, accept, and act on that.

Power of Faith

Not unlike other resources for long-term sobriety—community groups, therapy, etc—the power of faith is put to the test over and over against strong cravings and unbearable stress. People seeking recovery have access to a large variety of faith-based support groups and treatment centers. Having a belief in what is called a “Higher Power” or a “Higher Principle”, can give you the support you need to stay grateful, continue believing better things are coming, and survive life on life’s terms without using drugs or picking up a drink. 
That is, after all, what we work for in recovery.The Last Resort believes in creating individualized treatment plans and developing a strong program of recovery for our residential patients. If you’d like more information about our philosophy and approach to treatment, contact our staff at 512-750-6750.

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