What Does Trauma Have to Do with Opiate Addiction in Men?

What Does Trauma Have to Do with Opiate Addiction in Men? Addiction is not something people find easy to discuss. Trauma can especially impact the lives of men, who may already struggle with sharing thoughts and feelings. Opiate addiction, like any substance, can pop up as a means of coping with tragedy, trauma, and difficult circumstances in a person’s past or…

Using Exercise to Repair Alcohol Damage in the Brain

As if there aren’t already an infinite number of reasons exercise can benefit your health, there’s now proof that it can help reduce memory deterioration in the brain caused by heavy alcohol exposure.A study published in September’s issue of Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research journal discussed a study done by the University of Colorado about the relationship between alcohol and aerobic…

Do Benzodiazepines Affect Dopamine Levels?

Do Benzodiazepines Affect Dopamine Levels?

Benzodiazepines are a class of drugs designed to alleviate symptoms of anxiety. Introduced in the mid-1950s, “benzos” were originally intended to take the place of highly addictive barbiturates. However, decades of research have revealed that benzodiazepines can be just as habit-forming as the drugs they were meant to replace. The addictive potential of benzos lies in their method of action. Like…

Military Men at Risk: Hypertension Associated with PTSD

Military Men at Risk: Hypertension Associated with PTSD

Military personnel are at high risk of post-traumatic stress disorder. An estimated 11 to 30 percent of veterans have been diagnosed with PTSD – the exact statistics vary by service era. Exposure to combat, life-threatening missions and the stress of deployment all contribute to lifelong trauma after a tour of duty. Using a nationally representative sample of over 194,000 veterans, researchers…

What Are the Most Abused Prescription Drugs in America?

What Are the Most Abused Prescription Drugs in America?

When you think about addictive drugs, you are likely to picture illegal chemicals that people purchase in sketchy alleys. However, the reality is that some of the most common causes of drug abuse can be harmless looking pills that your doctor prescribes to you. Prescription drugs might be legal, but they can still be quite dangerous and addictive when used without…

Risks of Microdosing

Risks of Microdosing

Microdosing is a method of drug usage that is mostly implemented with LSD and other hallucinogenic drugs. With microdosing, the user ingests smaller-than-normal amounts of the substance that they’re taking and they might take those smaller doses more regularly than they would take larger doses. One of the definitive elements of microdosing is that by doing it, individuals ingest such small…

Understanding the Similarities and Differences Between Opiates and Opioids

Understanding the Similarities and Differences Between Opiates and Opioids

There is an opioid epidemic and it involves opiates too. These two terms, opioids and opiates, are often used together or interchangeably when discussing the drug addiction epidemic. However, there are some subtle differences between these related substances. Both terms relate to powerful addictive substances that are ultimately derived from the opium poppy, but here, we’ll explore what makes each family…

The Truth About Pill Popping Prescription Drug Abuse

The Truth About Pill Popping Prescription Drug Abuse

There’s a drug epidemic in the United States, and it’s been going on for years. Every year, tens of thousands of people die from drug overdoses, and many people think this has to do with illicit drugs like heroin, cocaine and meth. While these drugs are a major cause of drug-related deaths, the biggest problem is prescription drug pill popping. People…

Common Misconceptions and Myths About Drugs

Common Misconceptions and Myths About Drugs

You may believe many misconceptions and myths about drugs. To make matters worse, the spread of misinformation is commonplace. The only way to truly dispel these misconceptions is to openly talk about them. Spreading accurate information is the only hope that society has to get drug abuse under control. Myths About Drugs and Hitting Rock Bottom One of the most dangerous…

How A Xanax Withdrawal Timeline Aids in Recovery

How A Xanax Withdrawal Timeline Aids in Recovery

Having a timeline for withdrawing from Xanax is extremely important. You never want to stop using Xanax “cold turkey.” It is better to get help from a substance use treatment program. Substance abuse treatment programs will monitor your Xanax withdrawal symptoms. Staff and doctors will monitor your vital signs, including your blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature. Studies show that when…

Side Effects of Methadone Use

Side Effects of Methadone Use

Opioid addiction is a widespread health crisis impacting families across the country. If you or a loved one is facing opioid addiction, there is help. The Last Resort offers treatment programs for opioid addiction treatment. Prescription methadone detox is a common treatment route for patients needing help to break the cycle of opioid addiction. Understanding the potential side effects of methadone…

Xanax Withdrawal Timeline

Xanax Withdrawal Timeline

Withdrawal from Xanax takes time as you experience symptoms of the release of the substance from your body. At The Last Resort Recovery, we offer professional solutions to help you overcome addiction and get through your Xanax withdrawal timeline. Our facility offers residential and outpatient treatment options, including detox and aftercare. What Are the Side Effects of Xanax Withdrawal? If you…

How Long Does It Take to Detox

How Long Does It Take to Detox

In the recovery community, detox refers to the detoxification process as an individual rids their body of drugs or alcohol. When detoxing from these addictive substances, you will experience withdrawal symptoms that can make this detoxification process particularly challenging. You may want to know the answer to “How long does it take to detox?” Determining the question, “How long does it…

DBT vs CBT: Which Addiction Therapy is Right for You?

DBT vs CBT: Which Addiction Therapy is Right for You?

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is increasing in popularity because of its ability to help people live happier, more successful lives and no longer allowing negative thoughts to run the show. Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is like CBT, but there are key differences. You should consider DBT vs CBT for certain mental illnesses. If you are interested in one of these therapies…

Is Percocet An Opioid?

Is Percocet An Opioid?

It’s frightening to see so many Americans struggling with opioid abuse. While that also includes substances like heroin and the deadly fentanyl, we want to focus on prescription painkillers, notably Percocet. By making this very comment, we have already addressed the question, “Is Percocet an opioid?” The answer is an emphatic yes. An opioid addiction treatment center provides treatment for Percocet…