What Is A Sponsor? The Importance of The Sponsor’s Role in the Recovery Process

What Is a Sponsor? A sponsor is someone far into recovery who can offer guidance, support, and accountability to someone new to recovery. Sponsors will often share their experiences, help you tackle challenges when they arise, and stay committed to your recovery goals. It’s been shown that having a sponsor hugely benefits the recovery process.[1] […]

Learning About the AA Prayer: Understanding the Role of Prayer in AA

The Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) 12-Step program relies on several prayers and daily reflections to find strength in recovery, but the best-known prayers are The Serenity Prayer and the prayers for steps One, Three, Seven, and Eleven. The Serenity Prayer is consistent across programs, but other AA prayers may have different versions. However, they always have […]

What is a Typical Benzo Withdrawal Timeline?

If you or a loved one has been abusing benzodiazepines for a very long time, it is crucial to know how benzo withdrawals work. Withdrawal happens when a person who is physically dependent on benzos stops taking them. It can cause all sorts of unpleasant and potentially life-threatening symptoms if untreated. What are Common Benzo […]

How Long Does It Take To Detox From Cocaine?

What is the Timeline for a Detoxing from Cocaine? Everyone’s body reacts to the detoxing process differently. Therefore, the detox timeline will depend on several factors, as each case is different. It will depend on factors, such as the length of the addiction and the amount the individual has been abusing. The frequency of drug abuse is […]

How Long Does Ambien Last?

How Long Does Ambien Take To Kick In? Ambien (Zolpidem) is available in both fast-acting and extended-action formulas, but how long does it take for Ambien to kick in?[1] The effects of fast-acting Ambien begin within a half hour to 1 and a half hours after it is first ingested.[2] How long does Ambien take […]

Coming Down from a Cocaine Binge: Signs and Symptoms

If you’ve ever experienced coming down from cocaine on your own, you know how challenging it can be. Symptoms can be both physical and psychological in nature, and none of them are pleasant. However, you may be wondering what all can happen during cocaine withdrawal. Is it just uncomfortable, or can it actually be dangerous? […]

Quitting Cocaine Cold Turkey Is Not The Way to Go

If you are a regular or even an occasional cocaine user, the last person you are likely to discuss your habit with is your doctor. Cocaine addicts and habitual drug users often deny their substance abuse when confronted with it. Unless your doctor has detected evidence of your cocaine use, you are unlikely to voluntarily […]

10 Common Lies Compulsive Gamblers Tell Themselves

Gambling addictions can be harder to spot than substance addictions, but the need to engage in gambling activities can be as disruptive as drug or alcohol addiction.[1] As with individuals who are addicted to alcohol or drugs, compulsive gamblers share common traits, the chief of which is an ability to deceive and to tell lies […]

Forming Relationships in AA

One of the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is to wait a year before entering into a relationship. For some, this might feel really restrictive. The idea behind this principle of Alcoholics Anonymous relationships is that an individual must learn to love oneself before loving someone else, though. Whether to wait a year or not […]