Why Doing a Moral Inventory is Key to Finding Balance and Hope for People with Addiction

Why Doing a Moral Inventory is Key to Finding Balance and Hope for People with Addiction

Putting faith and control into the hands of someone else is difficult under any circumstances. When asking for guidance as lives have become unmanageable with addiction, it helps to think about Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and how to develop a moral inventory, the key to finding balance and hope in 12-step recovery. Searching and Fearless Moral Inventory in Recovery The personal inventory…

How to Recognize the Signs of a Xanax Overdose

How to Recognize the Signs of a Xanax Overdose

Any discussion about Xanax abuse has to address the fact that, yes, prescription medication can be addictive. If you have fallen victim to your prescription or buy Xanax on the streets, you are taking unnecessary risks. Xanax acts to depress the central nervous system. If you have an anxiety or panic disorder, Xanax could be the perfect medical remedy. Of course,…

Why People Should Consider Wilderness Therapy for Their Loved Ones with Addiction

Why People Should Consider Wilderness Therapy for Their Loved Ones with Addiction

Wilderness therapy combines nature experiences, along with some survival techniques, to develop therapy that helps people who struggle with substance use disorders, mental health, and behavior disorders. People who go outdoors focus on their self-improvement and overcome the issue of difficult behaviors and coping mechanisms. The goal is to foster personal and social responsibility while helping them grow and find healing….

Why Men Who Are Introverts May Struggle with Depression and How to Support Their Overall Health

Why Men Who Are Introverts May Struggle with Depression and How to Support Their Overall Health

Introverts and extroverts can suffer from depression or other mental health issues, introverts often struggle more to speak out when they have to deal with it. Introverts are typically quiet and reserved, preferring quiet time away from other people. They are mistaken as being shy, but may not open as easily as an extrovert might. Introverts do not get along with…

How to Help a Man Through Life’s Transitions When Addiction Enters the Picture

How to Help a Man Through Life’s Transitions When Addiction Enters the Picture

Transitions are never easy for anyone. There are different challenges depending on the person. Men specifically struggle in unique ways that cause them to view their life differently as a result. When addiction enters the picture, men often use it as a reason to cover up the challenges they face with the transition. The mind and body crave repetition and balance….

What is Oxycontin?

What is Oxycontin?

What is Oxycontin? It is a brand name for oxycodone, a time-released opioid use to treat moderate to severe pain. The effects of Oxycontin are long-lasting – up to 12 hours. Oxycontin is among the most popular of all pain relievers because it is highly potent. For this reason, Oxycontin is also one of the most addictive painkillers on the market,…

What is Vicodin?

What is Vicodin?

Vicodin s a pain medication made from a combination of acetaminophen and hydrocodone. So, what is Vicodin used for? Doctors prescribe Vicodin to relieve moderate to severe pain. When you take Vicodin, you may feel a bit euphoric as your pain steadily decreases. This reaction in your body is what makes Vicodin addictive. Vicodin addiction or abuse can lead to serious…

How Do Neurotransmitters Impact Brain Chemistry And Addictive Behavior?

How Do Neurotransmitters Impact Brain Chemistry And Addictive Behavior?

A neurotransmitter does what it sounds like: carries signals between neurons in the body. The role of these messengers is to tell other cells what to do, which impacts how the body functions. Anything from sleeping to eating, breathing, and other behaviors are regulated by neurotransmitters. Our brain and body rely on these to work properly to keep things moving along….

What Does Being an Empath Have to Do with Addiction?

What Does Being an Empath Have to Do with Addiction?

Empaths are susceptible to pretty much everything because they have a lot of open energy pathways that allow them to feel more than others. Emotionally, psychologically, and physically, they feel more than most, tap into other people’s pain, and overload their senses quite often. Thoughts and feelings can become overwhelming. An empath is someone for whom addiction may take root quickly…

The Importance of Identifying Signs and Symptoms of ADHD

The Importance of Identifying Signs and Symptoms of ADHD

Misunderstandings about ADHD still abound for many people, resulting in harmful delays in diagnosis and treatment. Stigma is a big issue for people who have ADHD, which makes it important to know the signs and symptoms and offer treatment. Getting an early diagnosis provides open doors to getting treatment sooner than later. There are some things to keep in mind when…

How To Overcome Depression from Addiction

How To Overcome Depression from Addiction

Answering how to overcome depression will never be as easy as many people think. Depression, like many other mental health disorders, is often misunderstood. There is no shame in admitting that you need help with lifting the most debilitating symptoms of depression. Find a mental health treatment program and get the help that you need. How Does Depression Lead to Addiction?…

Focusing on Nutrition in Rehab is Key to Meeting Goals and Feeling Healthy

Focusing on Nutrition in Rehab is Key to Meeting Goals and Feeling Healthy

When people do drugs or drink, their bodies are in a state of malnutrition. They often don’t get proper nutrients and may be dehydrated as well. There are also mental health issues to focus on that will be key to figuring out how to deal with staying healthy in recovery. Common medical issues including heart, lungs, and liver, along with the…

Is Buspirone Addictive and Can it Get You High?

Is Buspirone Addictive and Can it Get You High?

BuSpar, also known as buspirone, is an anti-anxiety medication. Many consider this a low-risk medication, but other people are struggling with addiction. Prescription medications can be abused by people, which makes it important to be educated. Knowing how the drug works can lower the chance of addiction. Why Was BuSpar Taken Off The Market? While the drug BuSpar was not taken…