How Much Crack Does It Take To Overdose?

The viciousness of crack cocaine that we typically associate with crime, petty assaults, and robberies stems from a ravaged urban America in the 1980s which led to some of the stiffest law enforcement ever to exist in a first-world country.[1] Seldom does the medical aspect even come to mind for the public at large, apart […]
How Long Does Meth Last?

A methamphetamine “Crystal Meth” high is an intense, lengthy altered state of mind that can have devastating effects on the mind and body. If you’ve ever wondered, “how long does meth last?” or “how long does a meth high last?”, the answer is that both of these things can vary based on a number of […]
How Long Does a Cocaine High Last?

The length of time a cocaine high last depends on the person. Generally a high starts almost immediately and can last up to a couple hours.[1] It sounds simple, but there’s a lot going on behind the scenes. Once someone ingests cocaine, whether by smoking, snorting, or intravenously, it immediately starts affecting the brain. Basically, […]
Do Drug Tests Detect Crystal Meth?

A crystal meth drug test does not always give a black-and-white answer. Meth residue remains in your blood and saliva for approximately 1-48 hours, in your urine for two to five days, and in your hair follicles for up to ninety days.[1] You can have a positive test under one of these methodologies and a […]
Do Benzodiazepines Affect Dopamine Levels?

Benzodiazepines are a class of drugs designed to alleviate symptoms of anxiety. Introduced in the mid-1950s, “benzos” were originally intended to take the place of highly addictive barbiturates.[1] However, decades of research have revealed that benzodiazepines can be just as habit-forming as the drugs they were meant to replace. The addictive potential of benzos lies […]
Military Men at Risk: Hypertension Associated with PTSD

Military personnel are at high risk of post-traumatic stress disorder. An estimated 11 to 30 percent of veterans have been diagnosed with PTSD – the exact statistics vary by service era. Exposure to combat, life-threatening missions and the stress of deployment all contribute to lifelong trauma after a tour of duty. Using a nationally representative […]
Risks of Microdosing

Microdosing is a method of drug usage that is mostly implemented with LSD and other hallucinogenic drugs. With microdosing, the user ingests smaller-than-normal amounts of the substance that they’re taking and they might take those smaller doses more regularly than they would take larger doses. One of the definitive elements of microdosing is that by […]
Why Men Who Are Introverts May Struggle with Depression and How to Support Their Overall Health

Introverts and extroverts can suffer from depression or other mental health issues, introverts often struggle more to speak out when they have to deal with it. Introverts are typically quiet and reserved, preferring quiet time away from other people. They are mistaken as being shy, but may not open as easily as an extrovert might. […]
What is Freebasing Cocaine?

Cocaine is an illegal stimulant that offers people feelings of euphoria. A cocaine high is not meant to last, but people often chase it over and over again because their brains get addicted. A drug like cocaine is extremely addictive and classified as a Schedule II drug.[1] Use of cocaine can cause significant long-term changes […]
What Does Being an Empath Have to Do with Addiction?

Empaths are susceptible to pretty much everything because they have a lot of open energy pathways that allow them to feel more than others. Emotionally, psychologically, and physically, they feel more than most, tap into other people’s pain, and overload their senses quite often. Thoughts and feelings can become overwhelming. An empath is someone for […]