Sober Living

Do I Need a Recovery Coach? Benefits of a Sober Life Coach for Recovery

Written By:

Becky Babb

Do I Need a Recovery Coach? Benefits of a Sober Life Coach for Recovery

In the difficult terrain of recovery, there are some pretty bad days. It’s not easy and every step of the journey is a learning experience. It’s for this reason that many recovering addicts will opt for a recovery coach to help them along the way. A recovery coach is a professional sober life coach who acts as a specialized recovery professional who works with his or her clients on a close, personal basis.They offer guidance and support to people who need a helping hand to stay sober through the difficult times that inevitably lie ahead. 65% of recovered addicts will relapse in the first year. With odds like that, many people see the benefits of having a full time go-to person to help them stay on the right side of the fence.

What Is a Recovery Coach?

A Recovery Coach is a full time confidant that is there to make sure, in whatever way he can, that you don’t relapse. Even on your best days, when you’ve got this sobriety thing down pat, there are always triggers flying around you that threaten to reset your sobriety day count back to zero. A coach can help you through the best and the worst of days. Some benefits of a Sober Coach:

  • 24/7 Access – Unlike a support group, or even a sponsor, the coach is there for you at all hours when you need to call for some help. This is beneficial for those dark, lonely nights when the bottle is staring you down.
  • Accountability – A good coach will hold you accountable to doing what you say you’ll do and following up to make sure you’re on track. Sometimes this means random drug tests or popping over to your house when you don’t expect him.
  • Finding Resources – Professional coaches are familiar with all aspects of addiction recovery so they can often help you find sober activities, friends, and jobs that would be otherwise a mystery to uncover.
  • Achieving Goals – As a full time life partner in many ways, a coach serves as a cheerleader and, well, a coach for helping you achieve the things you want in life. Having someone in your corner is invaluable if you’re a driven and motivated person.
  • Communication – Coaches are often trained therapists and can help facilitate awkward or difficult conversations with family and friends who may not understand addiction and the process of recovery.

What a Sober Life Coach Can’t Do

While a recovery coach can provide a whole range of benefits, he is not a doctor. Plus, he is certainly is not there to make all of your life decisions for you. A good recovery coach is a sounding board to help you work things out but ultimately your life is up to you to live.Your recovery coach is ultimately not responsible for your recovery; you are. Blaming your sober life coach for your relapse isn’t productive or healthy. More likely than not, your life coach will be by your side if you relapse. Additionally, just like the first time, they’ll be ready to help you through your recovery journey once again. Take your addiction recovery into your own hands and own your journey to sobriety.

Comprehensive Addiction Treatment

Before you can think about a recovery coach, you have to complete an addiction treatment program. The Last Resort Recovery offers mens addiction treatment programs and a mens medical detox program to help men get on the path to recovery. We also offer various types of therapy to help men better understand themselves and overcome addiction, including:

If a man in your life need addiction treatment, then call The Last Resort Recovery today at (512) 750-6750. Don’t wait another day to begin recovery and find a sober life coach or recovery coach. Call now!

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