Addiction Treatment

Drug Addiction Treatment for Men

Written By:

Becky Babb

Drug Addiction Treatment for Men

Locating a treatment center that is oriented around specialized alcohol and drug addiction treatment for men can prove to be quite complicated in a number of ways. Sometimes, it’s easier for men to truly focus on recovery if they are surrounded by other men that are in the same struggle. Sometimes, this makes a man feel more comfortable to share what he’s feeling. It’s this need for male-only recovery environments that prompted The Last Resort to open its doors to our brothers struggling with addiction.The fact that it’s difficult to find a treatment facility focused specifically on men is interesting, because the majority of people entering rehab are men, as reported by the Drug and Alcohol Services Administration System Report. It’s also true that men are more frequently apt to relapse after seeking help to get sober. There is a clear need for men to have the appropriate treatment for drug abuse and alcoholism.Other challenges exist when it comes to men seeking rehab options. A few of those are career obligations, family obligations, and financial reasons. Some workplaces simply don’t support extended time off for residential rehab programs. In certain instances, family duties require the man to be present and help. Some men may not have the financial means to pay for a treatment program, or even feel like they will be judged as weak if they enter rehab. In some cases, friends who use drugs or alcohol will peer pressure the addict into using and discourage them from seeking help.If you’re a man looking for addiction treatment options, here are some of the options available to you:

Inpatient Rehab

There are a number of inpatient treatment facilities available to the public. Most allow both women and men to enter, and as mentioned previously, there are some men-only facilities as well. If you are unable to attend a men-only program near you, other facilities may separate genders during therapy programs, so it’s worth asking about.

Outpatient Rehab

If you prefer going through a program on your own, there are facilities that offer individual treatment plans. This is another good option if you’re searching for a men-only program but cannot go to a facility that offers one.Our Residential Treatment Programs at The Last Resort are designed to be safe and supportive for men who are ready to kick their addictions for good and embark upon the lifelong journey of recovery. Call 512-750-6750 to start making plans for your treatment today.

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