Addiction Treatment

Experiencing a Crack Detox

Written By:

Becky Babb

Experiencing a Crack Detox

Crack Cocaine dependency is an intimidating illness to take on. Hundreds of thousands of addicts butt heads with the first stages of detox when they run out of cash and find themselves doing whatever they can—whatever it takes—to get more crack. The term crack has become an exaggerated adjective synonymous with “highly addictive.”If you or someone you know is suffering from crack dependency, understand that the addiction is treatable—just not curable. The first couple weeks of detox are intense, and the lure of crack runs strong for long after that, but there are several good methods for breaking free of the cycle for good.Addicts should prepare themselves for the initial crash—the first withdrawal symptoms that appear hours after use, at which point there is little crack left in the body—to keep from treating it as they normally do, by smoking more crack. A “crash” typically lasts anywhere from 9 hours to 4 days and is characterized by the following:

  • Agitation
  • Depression
  • Aggression
  • Severe cravings
  • Insomnia

Crack Cocaine Detox

Quitting crack cold-turkey is a dangerous, and generally unsuccessful, strategy. The safest way to endure these symptoms is at a detox clinic, where patients are monitored and even given medication to ease the process in a safe, controlled manner. (Note: No medications are designed specifically for crack dependency, and addicts should never attempt to treat themselves with medications on their own, even if they are advertised by dealers for that very purpose.)The next stage of crack detox is characterized by low mood, high anxiety, and an overall poor state of being. Addicts may feel fatigued, disoriented and paranoid. Here, cravings are less intense than in the first stage, but there are several more windows for relapse; typically, it takes three to four weeks for withdrawal to settle down enough for daily duties to become manageable once again.Addicts should consider remaining in treatment—either inpatient or outpatient—for the duration of this period especially. For the months and years that follow, addicts should, at the very least, maintain some form of medical supervision and support network. Determination and willpower are seldom enough to beat an illness. An essential in long-term recovery is to educate oneself on addiction, which is not as simple as it may feel; and to learn to identify and avoid triggers, which are not as apparent as they may seem.Coupled with pharmaceutical approaches, several forms of behavioral intervention have been shown to help addicts steer clear of crack. There are several forms of behavioral intervention offered in both professional and community settings: cognitive therapy, residential treatment centers, 12 step programs, and so on.

For information on treatment, The Last Resort, and our approach, programs, and values, please explore our website, and feel free to contact us with any questions or further inquiries. (512)-750-6750.

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