Addiction Treatment
How to Overcome Addiction
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Addictions vary from person to person. Substance abuse, drug use, sex, work and relationships are just a few ways people become addicted. Sometimes, it is a combination or there can be co-occurring disorders along with addiction. Similarly, addictions are all based on doing something in excess, living out old habits and patterns but are likewise able to be overcome with the right support system in place.
Nature of Addiction
The key to overcoming addiction is to recognize a few things which happen for most people who experience addictive behavior. It is easier to find support once the signs of addiction are recognized.Excess: Most everyone does something in excess, whether it be work, exercise or leisure activities. The cycle of addiction is about engaging in a behavior over a period of time which is excessive and unceasing without the right help or support. Likewise, guilt, fear, shame and other emotions arise from doing an activity in excess which may also be hidden from family, friends and colleagues. The key to overcoming excessive behavior is noticing, then coping with, the reasons behind the addiction.Patterns and habits: old ways of thinking and behaving can lead to addiction. Often a person who experiences addictive behavior may experience a lack of insight into the past which keeps the individual locked into destructive patterns. Breaking away from these habits can help interrupt the cycle and give a person an opportunity to move past addiction into recovery.
Tips for Overcoming Addiction
The following tips and tools can be helpful when exploring opportunities for overcoming addiction. It is important to recognize the individual’s responsibility for taking ownership of addiction by first admitting a problem exist then seeking help.
- Self-evaluation: pride can stand in the way of a person getting help. Thinking a person ‘has it all together’ can lead to destructive patterns. Introspective thought processes which lead to a realization help is needed requires honesty and trust.
- Dive deep: learning about oneself can be an invaluable tool when trying to overcome addiction. Some key questions to ask might include what can be learned from the present experience to become better in the future, what things can be done to strengthen the mind, body and spirit and who to surround oneself with to support a future in recovery. Accountability is also key and setting goals to decide where to focus positive energy.
Ask for HelpMoving past addiction is about being honest with oneself and others about the nature of the behavior and thinking which drove addiction in the first place. Seek help from various resources such as groups, individual therapy, recovery centers, sponsors and more who are available to help guide individuals through addiction to recovery and beyond. Leave pride behind and trust the process will work itself out by taking the first step of admitting a problem exists and seeking help.
Last Resort has a 12-step model of recovery for individuals struggling with addiction.
Call today at 512.750.6750 for information on how we can support you.