Addiction Treatment

What are the Side Effects of Oxycontin Use?

Written By:

Becky Babb

Oxycontin side effects recovery in Texas

Oxycontin, a powerful prescription opiate that is stronger than morphine, is highly addictive. The drug has become a well-known gateway to heroin and the face of the opiate crisis. Oxycontin side effects are extensive, with the most serious of which is its addictive qualities.

The drug has led to changes in policies that restrict the ability of doctors to over-prescribe it and enact protections against behaviors like doctor shopping. Likewise, pharmacies now must scrutinize suspicious prescriptions because of the potential harms due to Oxycontin side effects and addiction.

Oxycontin was released in 1995 by Purdue Pharma and was immediately praised as a breakthrough for treatment of pain, especially among cancer patients. Unfortunately, due to its addictive qualities, many people began abusing Oxycontin. The drug is not as commonly prescribed as it was in the mid to late 2000s, and manufacturers have begun producing a crush proof version in order to combat abuse.

What is Oxycontin?

Oxycontin is a type of powerful opiate that treats severe pain. The drug begins working in as little as 15 minutes and can last for up to 6 hours. It’s for serious pain that needs around-the-clock prescription drug treatment, as opposed to short-term acute pain. It contains the opioid oxycodone, which is the active ingredient which treats pain. Oxycontin is one and a half times more powerful than morphine. This is why Oxycontin side effects can be so dangerous.

In fact, Oxycontin is a controlled release medication, meant to be taken no more than every twelve hours. Oxycontin is also more effective than instant release morphine. It also carries fewer side effects when used to treat cancer patients for pain.

Some of the approved medical uses of Oxycontin include:

  • Cancer pain
  • Trauma pain
  • Pain after major surgery
  • Prolonged chronic pain

The drug has come under intense scrutiny, with states and individuals suing Purdue Pharma, accusing the company of producing an unsafe and highly addictive drug with limited medical uses.

Oxycontin comes in a pill form, but those who abuse it oftentimes crush the pill into a powder form and snort it. Sometimes users smoke or inject Oxycontin in order to experience a more intense and pleasurable high.

When abused, Oxycontin can have severe consequences, most notably drug addiction.

What are the Side Effects Oxycontin Abuse?

When used in accordance with your doctor’s recommendation, Oxycontin side effects are usually minor. However, physical dependence is still possible. Oxycontin side effects, when mixed with other substances, can be fatal. Since Oxycontin is a depressant, combining it with alcohol, benzos, and other opiates can result in blackouts, respiratory failure, and brain damage.

Some potential Oxycontin side effects include:

  • Decreased respiratory function
  • Addiction and physical dependence
  • Intense withdraw symptoms
  • Liver damage
  • Overdose
  • Insomnia

Oxycontin Addiction

Oxycontin addiction is a serious medical problem, especially considering the risks associated with oxycontin side effects. Detoxing from oxycontin can result in sweats, tremors, nausea, pain, and dehydration and is best done under medical supervision.

The Last Resort, the best oxycontin addiction treatment center, has the expertise and understanding to help you or a loved one overcome oxycontin side effects and its addictive qualities. Our services specialize in treating all aspects of addiction in a safe, compassionate, and supportive environment. To find out more about our programs and how they can help you or your loved one on your road to recovery, contact us today for help>.

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