Addiction Treatment

What Are Schedule 5 Drugs

Written By:

Becky Babb

drug syrup pours onto a spoon showing an example of schedule 5 drugs

Among all the ways to classify a substance, drug scheduling may be the easiest to understand. When a client enters a drug addiction treatment center, this is one of the things that therapists help them to learn. Some of the drugs that have the least potential for abuse are schedule 5 drugs. Many schedule 5 drugs are also widely accepted in the medical field and pharmaceutical industry.

Although schedule 5 drugs are relatively harmless and less addictive than other drugs, there is still the potential to abuse them. Some of these drugs can be combined with other substances to form more powerful drugs.

What is Drug Scheduling

Scheduling is another term for classifying drugs. The United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) schedules drugs according to the following criteria:

  • Acceptable medical use
  • Potency
  • Potential for addiction or dependency
  • Abuse rate in the U.S.
  • Psychological or physical effects

For instance, Schedule I drugs are substances that have the highest level or rate of abuse and dependence. Therefore, they are among some of the most dangerous drugs on the pharmaceutical or illegal market. By contrast, Schedule V drugs have the lowest potential for abuse or dependency.

Examples of Schedule 5 Drugs

So, what are schedule 5 drugs? Below are some examples:

Robitussin AC

Robitussin is the brand name of the drugs codeine and guaifenesin. Both of these substances help suppress coughing. Robitussin AC loosens the congestion in your chest or throat, making it easier to inhale and exhale without coughing.

There are some side effects of codeine, such as slow heart rate, dizziness, constipation, shallow breathing, or drowsiness. The only way you are likely to incur these side effects is if you abuse the codeine. Some teenagers are now abusing cough medicines because of the hallucinogenic effects of codeine.


Lomotil is the brand name of two substances, diphenoxylate, and atropine. You may take Lomotil if you have mild digestive problems. Lomotil is extremely safe and very difficult to overdose on.

Some of the side effects of Lomotil may include drowsiness, dizziness, headache, fatigue, or restlessness. However, these are rare cases. You should tell your doctor if you experience any severe stomach pain, severe vomiting, or drastic mood changes.


Among the safest of pain killers, Lyrica is used to treat pain caused by nerve damage. More specifically, if you experience nerve damage due to diabetes, shingles, infection, or an injury, Lyrica can ease the pain.

Although Lyrica may not work as well as other drugs for chronic pain treatment, it is also nowhere near as addictive as most painkillers. Known side effects include drowsiness, dizziness, dry mouth, constipation, or difficulty staying focused. You may also experience some weight gain. Overall, the drug is safe to use.

Get Help With Schedule 5 Drug Addiction

Whether you are suffering from addiction or have questions about your medication, call The Last Resort today. We offer education and treatment for schedule 5 drugs. Call us today to learn more.

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