Addiction Treatment

Step 1 – Admitting That You Need Help

Written By:

Becky Babb

Step 1 - Admitting That You Need Help

The credo of the first step universally used in Alcoholics Anonymous groups across the world involves the merciful act of concession. There is a sense of guilt, but if the act of admitting you have a problem is entirely sincere, a heavy burden is lifted.

The Power of Humility

There is one great thing about that crucial step that all alcoholics are required to take during the process of acknowledging that they have a problem and that they have, up to this step, been powerless to counter. The huge burden of guilt is lifted when the addict makes a confession. Here’s the beauty of this confession: the addict truly confesses his problem to himself because ultimately he has let himself down the most. This does not mean all those significant others are discounted, they remain in the mix. In fact, they become more significant in the addict’s life.

When It Happens

We can all relate to the sense of overwhelming relief when such personal breakthroughs occur. The essence of humility is still misunderstood by many suffering men. They still regard this sense of being lower than their counterparts as a great sign of weakness and unbecoming in the behavior that they have been brought up to believe they should project. But the ability to make concessions to the self and others, and to become utterly humble in the process, is one of the most powerful forces of being human.

Take That Step Today

When the addict adjusts to an uncharacteristic and modest demeanor, changing his whole outlook on life and towards himself forever, other miraculous changes in his spiritual and metaphysical sense begin to manifest. Outsiders may have noticed this at least once in their lives; it is as though that changed man has a glow about him. So, if you are still wrestling with denial, know that help is close. You can take that first, giant step.The Last Resort is here to help you take that first step. If you have already admitted, or are ready to admit you have a problem with drugs or alcohol, call The Last Resort today. 512-750-6750.

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