Addiction Treatment
Treatment Options for Ambien Addiction
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The precursor to receiving treatment for Ambien addiction will always be to determine and confirm that you are, in fact, addicted. Addiction is generically defined as the continued use of a substance to meet a psychological or physical need regardless of the negative consequences of that continued use. Ambien is a powerful central nervous system depressant that is used to treat sleep disorders. An Ambien addict will continue to use that drug, for example, regardless of his not being able to rouse himself sufficiently to maintain a regular schedule of daily work or life activities.
Ambien Dependence
There is a line between psychological dependence and addiction on Ambien. Both dependence and addiction are treated similarly, but addiction treatment will require a recovery counselor to address physical withdrawal symptoms that may not be present where a person is solely dependent on Ambien from a psychological perspective. The first treatment alternative involves using other pharmaceutical products to alleviate Ambien addiction symptoms, including antidepressants, benzodiazepines and barbiturates. Ambien users may have other psychological disorders that initially led to their use of the drug, including problems with depression or anxiety. Physicians and addiction recovery counselors will remain aware of these other disorders when considering whether to use other pharmaceutical products to treat an Ambien addiction. They will also monitor a recovering addict’s use of these substitute drugs in order to prevent another addiction problem.
Ambien Addiction Treatment
As with alcoholism and addictions to other drugs, Ambien addiction and dependency will also respond to behavioral therapy. That therapy can include one-on-one sessions with psychologists, community and support group therapy, and motivational and management interventions. These therapies can be particularly effective for individuals who have developed a psychological connection to Ambien that has not yet matured into full-blown addiction. As Ambien use has become more prevalent, addiction treatment centers have added the expertise that is necessary to offer behavioral therapy for Ambien dependence and addiction. Ambien addicts can receive the same 28-day detox and recovery treatment that alcoholics and addicts receive at treatment centers. Addicts can be treated on an inpatient basis to monitor and control their physical detox symptoms. Individuals with less severe problems might have an outpatient option, although addiction counselors believe that inpatient therapy is more effective, with less of a relapse risk for a recovering Ambien addict.Ambien does not have the same stigma as other addictive drugs. Long-term and ongoing use of Ambien can nonetheless cause severe health problems. Ambien addicts report that their sleep disorders get worse, they suffer hallucinations and experience cognitive and memory disorders, and they ultimately lose control over their Ambien use. The good news is that the treatment options for Ambien dependence and addiction are constantly improving.
If you are experiencing problems with your use of Ambien, please call the Last Resort Recovery Center in Austin, Texas. Our Ambien addiction recovery programs utilize the most current methods of treating Ambien dependency and addiction to foster long-term freedom from Ambien abuse.