Addiction Treatment

What’s Your Legacy?

Written By:

Becky Babb

What's Your Legacy?

The path to recovery from drug or alcohol addiction is not easy. Amidst the cravings and awkward relationships, you may find yourself asking why you continue to put yourself through the difficulties involved in getting sober. Quitting starts to look easy. To get past that block, you need to remind yourself of your motivation for seeking recovery in the first place. For many people, it’s enough to consider the legacy they will leave behind.

An Important Question to Think About

Your legacy is more than the money and material possessions you’ll accumulate in your lifetime. A true legacy is the mark you leave on those who knew you and how you’ll be remembered in this world. The part of you that will live on.Think about the people you’ve looked up to over the years. These family members, teachers, leaders, thinkers, and artists have all given you something positive to believe in that endures over decades or even centuries. There have also been those that impacted you in negative ways. You will leave a mark on others. What kind of mark do you want to leave?

Take Stock of Your Life

During your struggle with addiction, it’s all too easy to take a bleak view of your situation. If you want to recover, you need to confront and acknowledge the mistakes you’ve made in the past, but the guilt and shame that accompanies this important step can be overwhelming. To get past that, you have to remind yourself that your life isn’t over. No matter what opportunities you’ve missed, you still have your whole future in front of you. It’s not too late to leave your mark on the world if you reach beyond the challenges you’re facing now.

What You Want Others to Remember

Consider how others would remember you if you were to leave this world tomorrow. Have you left a positive impact on the lives of the people you’ve known? And will they think well of you when someone mentions your name? You have every reason to turn your life around and transform your legacy into something wonderful. Even the story of your successful recovery will prove to others that things really can get better. Make the decision right now to live as you want to be remembered and leave behind a legacy you can be proud of.Let The Last Resort be part of your legacy. Call 512-750-6750 today to start your journey of recovery.

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