Addiction Treatment

Signs Of Prescription Drug Abuse

Written By:

Becky Babb

Signs Of Prescription Drug Abuse

Prescription drug abuse is on the rise not only in the United States but also in Asia and Europe. Addiction numbers are rising and with them overdose deaths as well. By the end of 2008, opioid addictions increased 400%. Commonly abused drugs include Oxycontin, Vicodin, and Methadone, among others. These are prescription drugs which means often they can be found easier than street drugs. These drugs can be some of the most addictive and deadly drugs available despite many people associating the prescription label as guaranteed safety. If a loved one is abusing prescription drugs, there are some obvious signs, while others may seem harder to notice. Possible signs include:

  • Usage increase of prescribed medication beyond the normal dosage
  • Changes in personality
  • An increase of time spent getting the drug, often visiting multiple pharmacies or ‘doctor shopping’
  • Change in daily habits
  • Neglecting responsibilities at home, work, and in social life
  • Forgetfulness
  • Defensiveness or inconsistent answers when asked about their use
  • Stealing or forging prescriptions for prescription medicines online

Opiate Abuse

Pain relievers are one of the most frequently abused drugs. They create a temporary euphoric state in users which gives way to irritability, uncomfortableness and other negative side effects. These substances include morphine, oxycodone, and others. Abuse of Fentanyl, a strong painkilling opiate, is on the rise. Fentanyl is incredibly strong compared to other opiates but much cheaper. It Due to the deadly nature of opiates seeking opiate addiction treatment is strongly recommended. If someone is abusing opiates, they may exhibit symptoms such as:

  • Confusion
  • Complaints of nausea
  • Drowsy
  • Constriction of pupils

Benzodiazepine Abuse

Benzodiazepines are prescribed for anxiety and sleeplessness. These include drugs such as Valium, Xanax, Klonopin, and Ativan. Benzos are highly addictive and use should be closely monitored by a doctor. The withdrawal from benzos is potentially deadly, therefore medical help should always be sought for a benzodiazepine addiction. Some signs of benzodiazepine abuse include;

  • Poor memory or forgetfulness
  • Coordination, motor control changes, and slurred speech
  • Dilated pupils
  • Seems depressed, tired, aggressive, agitated or suicidal
  • Complains of headaches or dizziness

Young PeopleTeens and youth are susceptible to prescription drug abuse as the availability of them are more prevalent. The likelihood of drug or alcohol abuse among college-aged youths is very high. Therefore many programs offer college addiction counseling. Young people are able to obtain drugs and alcohol from friends, at a party, online, or in the home. It is important to know the signs and seek help immediately if you notice any of these signs

  • Withdrawal from friends, family and wants to spend more time alone than with people
  • Gives up interests or hobbies
  • Appears hostile, angry or aggressive towards anyone they think is trying to control them
  • Cries for no reason
  • Does not care for their appearance, shower or seems unkempt
  • Schoolwork and grades begin to suffer
  • Sleep patterns change dramatically (sleeping more during the day, up all night)

There is help available for prescription drug abuse. It is important to know the signs and symptoms. Don’t underestimate the strength, addictiveness, and deadly nature of prescription drugs. These drugs are highly addictive and toxic not only to the user but to family and friends as well. Reach out to someone you trust if abuse of prescription medication is suspected. Withdrawal symptoms can be quite severe and detoxification should only take place in the presence of properly trained professionals. Seek help today and help change your life for good tomorrow. Recovery is possible for everyone.You or your loved one deserve recovery from prescription drug addiction. Help is available. Call The Last Resort at 512-750-6750 for more information on your options for treatment.

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