Addiction Treatment

Texas Medical Board Tries to Fight Prescription Drug Abuse

Written By:

Becky Babb

Texas Medical Board Tries to Fight Prescription Drug Abuse

What does the Texas Medical Board have to say about prescription drug abuse? Drug addiction in Texas is changing rapidly. Where once Texas used to be struggling with addiction to heroin, cocaine, meth, PCP, or Molly, addiction has been changing rapidly to focus more on the abuse of prescription medications. These medications are usually prescription painkillers such as OxyContin, Percocet, or Vicodin. They can even be easier for drug addicts get their hands on, coming as they do from doctors and pharmacies and other legitimate channels. But, this increase in popularity of prescription pill addiction has been having tragic results. In fact, over half of all fatal drug overdoses now involve prescription medications. And in Texas, the Texas Medical Board is trying to fight the problem. Click here to learn more about what you didn’t know about prescription medications.

Texas Medical Board Has a New Bill

Texas Medical Board Tries to Fight Prescription Drug Abuse

What is the Texas Medical Board doing to try to stop prescription drug addiction? Right now, prescription drugs are easily available in Texas. From pill mills, to careless doctors, to straight up theft and trafficking, prescription painkillers have ways of finding the streets. But the Texas Medical Board is trying to change that. By locking down the channels to prescription medications, the Texas medical Board is trying to keep unethical doctors out of the supply stream. And, with a new bill at the legislature, the Texas medical Board might just have the power it needs to stop some of the prescription pill trafficking. Click here to learn more about what the Texas Medical Board is doing to try to stop prescription drug trafficking.

Can Prescription Pill Rehab Help?

How can I fight prescription pill abuse? If you are struggling with addiction to prescription pills, then you know what it’s doing to your life. Prescription pills are linked with all kinds of health problems, including problems with your cardiovascular system and neurological defects. And that’s not even to mention the huge dangers of overdose. In fact, prescription pills are so dangerous, they’re involved with half of all fatal drug overdoses in the United States. They get even more dangerous when they’re mixed with other substances, such as other drugs or alcohol. But, don’t despair. If you’re struggling with addiction to prescription medications, get the right course of drug addiction treatment. Drug rehab at a high quality drug rehab center can help you overcome addiction to prescription medications. You can reclaim your life, rebuild your health, and change yourself for good.

Where to Go for Texas Prescription Painkiller Rehab?

Where can I go for the best in Texas prescription pill rehab? When you’re searching for the best in prescription drug rehab in Texas, come to Last Resort Recovery first. Here, you can get the highest quality in Texas men’s drug rehab so that you can overcome addiction to prescription pills. With the Texas Medical Board cracking down on prescription drug dealers, it’s only getting more and more dangerous to be addicted to prescription drugs. So call now to begin changing your life for good. Click here to learn more about how we can help with prescription drug abuse.

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